Psalm 106
Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever
Gracious Heavenly Father,
We will shout with joy to You most holy God – our praises rise to the ceiling,
We acknowledge that You are God; Creator God, who made us all,
We are Your children and love You so very much,
You are so good and Your love knows no end so our hearts are full of thanks,
It is right to give our thanks and praise for who You are –
It is right to give our thanks and praise to Jesus, who opened the way for us to spend
Eternity with You, to approach Your throne at any time in prayer.
Oh God, You are so, so good and we can never praise and thank You enough.
As our prayer of praise lifts up to You, we thank You once again
In Jesus’ Precious Name we pray.
I use FOR THE LOVE OF GOD by DA Carson for daily scriptures to read through the Bible in a year. Jeremiah’s prayer in 32:16-19 in today’s reads speaks to the church today. In another reading a couple of days ago, I read in Ecclesiastes. 3:31 that God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human soul (heart)… then skipping to the last verses in that chapter, Solomon compares us to animals and even questions whether the human spirit goes up to Heaven because there can be no proof. Solomon may have been wise under the law without righteousness. He did not know Jesus. His faith had not found a resting place. Jesus is our righteousness, His Spirit indwells every believer. Had Solomon lived today, he would need no proof. Lord speak to our leaders, our congregation, rain down on us through Holy Spirt, show us the path to take when we vote in September.