make room


Our lives are often crammed with activity. Go here, go there, get that done, meet that deadline, finish that assignment… Some of our most often spoken phrases are, “I don’t have time for that,” and “Hurry up!” and then at some point we say, “I need a break.” Many of us are overcommitted, overworked and overwhelmed. 


We want to invite you to Make Room for a movement of the Lord in your life and in your family this fall at Christ Church. During the Sundays in August, we will talk about some of the different ways we believe God is calling each of us to Make Room for Him in the months ahead. We hope you’ll start by making the decision to first Make Room for worship each Sunday during August. We can’t wait to provide biblical exhortation and practical resources as we pursue holy habits together this fall!

Sermon Schedule

Week 1: Make room for prayer

How can we make room in our lives so that Christ Church can truly become a house of prayer? 

Check out our guide here!

Week 2: Make Room for Family Worship

How can you make time for personal devotional and prayer time with the Lord outside of Sunday mornings?

Learn more about Making Room for communing with the Lord through our Family Worship Guide.

Week 3: Make Room for Community

One of the phrases we repeat often at Christ Church is,   “Faith grows better in circles than it does in rows.”

We say this because the worship we experience for an hour on Sunday mornings is important and finds its aim when we bring the heart of the experience to a circle of small group members. 

In our rows, we engage with the Lord in a transformative way that is meant to send us into relationship with others. We can hide in rows from others – but not from God. It’s much more difficult to hide in a tightly drawn circle–and when it’s hard to hide, the Holy Spirit has ways of bringing out encouragement and real spiritual growth. 

We want you to experience connection in circles today.


Check out this page to learn more or click here to see find community today. 

Week 4: Make Room for Sharing the Gospel

The good news through Jesus is that we have the most important message you’ll ever carry; the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that through this sermon you’ll find resources that equip you to better share the Gospel –not just with friends, but with everyone you come in contact with.

Week 5: Make Room for the Bible

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to let some of the most important things slip away – especially our time with God’s Word. Join us as we explore how to prioritize and cherish God’s Word in our lives.

Make room for PrayeR

Download this guide to help make practical sense of the spiritual practice of

communing with the Lord.

Make room for Worship

Check out this guide to learn ways to incorporate family worship into your daily life!

Make room for community

Want to find community or learn more about our Christ Church community? Check out the buttons below!

Make room for sharing the gospel

Check out this guide to learn more about the Gospel and how to practically share it in your life.

Make room for the bible

Check out this guide to learn more about how to make space for God’s living word in your life!