You can nominate a project for Small Teams or sign up for a Big Project by viewing the appropriate drop down menus.
All applications and necessary forms are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Sign up coming soon!
“I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us” – Romans 8:18
If you’ve ever participated in a mission project you will quickly understand why we always say “It’s not about the ramp, or the doors, or the mowing, or the porch” … it is truly about the love of Jesus flowing through the workers that forges relationships between the workers and homeowners. It is a genuine love that can only come from knowing that we are doing God’s work. It is a radiant love that surpasses all other feelings because it is coming from Him.
Church Has Left the Building (CHLB) is a day to leave the pews of our church and share the love of Jesus with the people in our community. It’s a time to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ and in the end, to truly love others as He loves us.
We join God in His vital mission right here in our own backyard. CHLB provides an excellent opportunity to look for God’s lead and obey Him.
This annual event provides an opportunity for all of us who make up Christ Church to “Be the Church” rather than settling for “Doing Church,” as we turn our focus toward others rather than ourselves by serving side-by-side in our community. With these actions, we fulfill what Jesus said was the Greatest Commandment, which was to
“Love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves” (Matthew 22:37-39).
God tells us that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will grow in fellowship and spiritual commitment, while demonstrating the love of Christ to our neighbors. CHLB moves us beyond just talking about our faith to putting our faith into action, not as a token or a one day effort, but as a physical expression of our church’s bedrock commitment to actively respond to Jesus’ call to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8) and to do it in such a way that we demonstrate that we are truly “unashamed of the Gospel” (Romans 1:16).
Meeting needs in the community and sharing the love of Jesus Christ are intricately woven together in CHLB. Instead of just telling our community to come to our church, CHLB is an intentional outreach focus to take the church and her message to the people through acts of service and love.
CHLB is also an opportunity to invite un-churched friends and community members to serve alongside us. Through this unique missional opportunity we hope to develop friendships, engage in spiritual discussions, foster spiritual commitment, introduce unbelievers to the love of Jesus, and help new believers become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Church Has Left the Building (CHLB) is a day when we leave the pews of our church and bless the nations in Brazos County through the hands-on service.
What: Local Missions / Community Service Day
Who: Christ Church Members Age 5+
How: Identifying Community Service Projects Through Brazos County & Go Do Them!
Why: Reach Out across Brazos County to spread the love of Jesus Christ, Glorify God and engage all Christ Church Members in local missions.
Big Projects are provided for any Christ Church Member that is currently not in a Small Group, Study Group, Service Ministry, Class or any other group underway at Christ Church. These projects will involve 20 – 80 Christ Church Members and provide an opportunity to help many individuals in Brazos County. There are currently 11 Big Projects to review and register for.
Small Team Projects are individual community service projects that have been initiated and planned by the numerous groups underway at Christ Church (for example Small Groups, current Community Service Ministry, Study Group, etc.). This may even be a family or group of family or friends.
The first step is for your existing group to decide to do a project. The second step is to determine what your group wants to do as a project. The third step is to nominate your project using the Small Team Project Nomination Form.
Christ Church will provide up to $400 reimbursement for each Small Team’s project. Your team’s imagination is the limit for what to do, only requirement is to be service oriented and be able to show the love of Christ in your actions.
Information on each Big Project is available along with what will be required of each participant. Big Projects involve relational activities as well as construction related projects. Also include is contact information for the Project Lead, should you have additional questions.
All materials and equipment will be provided by the Team Leader, for all scheduled Small Team Projects and Big Projects. Also, lunch, water and toilet facilities will be provided for all activities.
Childcare will be provided for ages 4 and below at Christ Church Kid’s Ministry and Nursery. Childcare Sign-Up is required for a good headcount and for completion of a Medical Release Form. Children in Childcare will be served a pizza lunch and will participate in scheduled children’s activities.
Children, aged 5 and above, should plan to accompany their parents on a “Family Friendly” Big Project or Small Team Project.
Your team’s imagination is the limit for what project your Small Team undertakes. The only requirement is to be service-oriented, be able to show the love of Christ in your actions, and ultimately Glorify God!
Some examples (prior permission and arrangements is necessary); collect household goods for a homeless family, assemble care packages for Twin City Missions homeless, conduct clothing drive for single moms, plan a landscaping project for an elderly neighbor, letter writing campaign for military personnel, collect toys and school supplies for homeless shelter, neighborhood mowing, take flowers to local senior citizen center residents, deliver cookies / snacks to elderly neighbors, provide cookies to local police and fire fighters, set up a children’s library at a local hospital, senior citizen center visit / craft / music, neighborhood soccer game, free washateria day, free car washes (at local car wash), minor home repair projects, etc.